Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mystery, Mystery Method & Venusian Arts - free video archives

Mystery Method: Venusian Arts
By Richard La Ruina - PUA Training.com, author of The Natural Art of Seduction

The Mystery Method was conceptualized by Erik Von Markovich - aka Mystery - author of The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed and the man considered by many to be the founder of the seduction community in its current form. The Mystery Method was first taught to students from the man himself via bootcamp events that he promoted on Internet forums and other online seduction-related communitities. It was at these events that Mystery taught his patented method covering the stages of seduction considered to be necessary from the moment a man spots a woman he is interested in to sleeping with her: Attract; (build) Comfort; Seduce your target.

The Mystery Method became so synomyous with the seduction community that it led to genuine claims of top spot for Von Markovich's company. Though this was not without much criticism of the model itself and even of Mystery's tactics.

What was to come in for most criticism was one of the most intrinsic tactics of the Mystery Method: 'negging', whereby a man gives a woman he is interested in a backhanded 'insult' as a means of lowering her 'value' in comparison to his own. Another critique of the Mystery Method is that it is inflexible- being best suited to seducing women in nightclubs or bars.

The Mystery Method holds true that men are of lower value in the eyes of society than women: something that very much appears to juxtapose claims that the seduction community is a form of self-development. This suggests that men must show outwardly attractive attributes in order to display enough value to a woman to warrant her acceptance of a man's advances.

One important stage of the Mystery Method- 'Comfort' is considered essential for building enough rapport and trust with a woman so that she associates those feelings with the man in her company so much so that she is ultimately open to being seduced. This is increasingly viewed with scepticism, however, as the notion that it takes 7 hours from start to finish in the process of seduction is questioned more and more.

Of late, in the seduction community, as it spreads and turns more mainstream with the release of films like Hitch and Wedding Crashers and a proposed film based on Neil Strauss' book 'The Game', towards a more direct and natural style of approaching women that does not use scripted routines and material- almost rendering the Mystery Method out-dated and benign.

To boot, there has been brewing angst in the Mystery Method camp as the man himself has cut ties from the Corporation and set up his own establishment, The Venusian Arts, along with former Instructors Lovedrop and Matador.

Attract women and seduce them with GuyGetsGirl's pick up, dating and seduction guide (insider secrets written by a WOMAN!) - Click Here! - "How To Approach Any Woman, Anywhere And Know Exactly What To Say To Get Her To Give You Her Number And Go On A Date With You - NOW"

ABC Primetime Special (Mystery Method)

Primetime follows Mystery and Neil Strauss (author of The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists ) through the process of a bootcamp/workshop. Transforming men from afc's (average frustrated chumps) to pua's (pick-up artists). Tips on seduction, dating, and how to pick up women.

[Street Pick Up] Mystery Method - Fear of the Approach

Tips on street pick up and sarging for the pua and player.

Mystery Method, part 1

Introduction and attraction

Mystery Method, part 2

Mystery Method, part 3

Mystery Method, part 4

Project Hollywood Mystery Bootcamp Long Clip 1

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