Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ross Jeffries and Speed Seduction - free video archive

Ross Jeffries

- Click here for more information on Speed Seduction - From dating tips, to pick up lines, to hypnosis. Created by Ross Jeffries and seen by millions on TV worldwide!
- "A quantum leap"...Rolling Stone, March 1998
- "Jeez, it worked"...Playboy, July 1998

For your FREE INSTANT ACCESS to the legendary Ross Jeffries mp3 audio course "Unstoppable Confidence," just click on the links below:

Unstoppable Confidence - Track 1
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 2
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 3
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 4
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 5
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 6

"This Dynamite New Ross Jeffries Audio Tape Series Will Have The Hottest Women In Your Bed Every Night As You Laugh To Yourself At How Easy It Is!!!"

Ross Jeffries Interview, Part 1 - covers NLP, hypnosis and Speed Seduction

An old interview with Ross Jeffries.

Attention Men: Are You Ready To Discover The Absolute Best System For
Getting You ANY Kind Of Women You Want, Just The Way You Want Them,
Anytime, Anywhere, No Matter Your Age, Your Finances Or What You Look Like?
Click Here For Your FREE Report on the Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction system!

Ross Jeffries Interview, Part 2

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 1

Jason C. Steinle interviews Ross Jeffries. Join us as Ross discusses male/female dynamics. Learn more and download the complete .mp3 of this interview at

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 2

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 3

If You Would Like To Learn How To Have Unstoppable Confidence With Women,
Then Here's a 100% Guaranteed Way To Learn Quickly and Easily. Unstoppable Confidence by Ross Jeffries - Click Here To Download Immediately!

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 4

This DVD is one of our bestsellers. It teaches you "How To Easily Meet The Hottest Women, Anytime, Anywhere, and NEVER Worry About What To Say". From the dirty mind of Ross Jeffries -- the godfather of the Seduction Community -- comes Gold Walk-up Diamond.

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 5

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 6

Using NLP To Seduce Women
By Richard La Ruina - Pua

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful tool in many areas, from therapy, to sales, to self-improvement. As a powerful tool of influence, many men have asked how it can be applied to seducing women. It can be applied in simple ways with limited effect, or it can be used to make a woman desire you completely. Here is how to use NLP to seduce women

1. Positive use of language

A simple but effective use of NLP is to make sure you never use negative language. Saying "today wasn't amazing, thinks didn't go as perfectly as I'd imagined" is so much better to hear than "today was awful, things went terribly". Just simply using positive words rather than negative words allows you to convey the same information without affecting the mood.

2. Pacing and leading

If she is speaking negatively, first pace it by agreeing and expanding on it, but then take charge and turn things positive by changing the subject or positively reframing the negative event. Pacing and leading also applies to energy and state. If she is cold with you, don't be loving with her, instead match her coldness and then slowly lead her into being seductive by slowly becoming seductive yourself. The same applies to if she is tired or bored, pace and then lead.

3. Mirroring and matching
When people spend a lot of time together, they tend to share mannerisms, reactions, vocabulary, and tone and speed of speech. You can see this with good friends, couples, and relatives. If you match and mirror someone, they will feel a lot more comfortable and relaxed with you and like they have known you longer. Do this by:

- Speaking at a similar speed, and using a similar amount of gestures.

- Feeding back the words they use in conversation.

- Mirroring the way they sit, the amount of eye contact, and the facial expression.

You can get away with a surprising amount of mirroring and matching: they don't seem to notice!

4. Anchoring

Anchoring is the process of linking a touch, sound, or visual input to an emotion. When the woman laughs, you can click your fingers, or touch her and it will anchor the emotion to the click or touch. Later you can try to re-trigger the emotion by simply firing the anchor- the touch or click. You can also anchor by playing songs when she is with you that she will later hear and associate to being with you.

5. Patterns

NLP patterns for seduction involve the use of language to bring out an emotion in the girl that is desirable given the current circumstances. An example of an NLP seduction pattern would be:

"Have you ever just met someone and almost immediately you start to feel incredibly comfortable like you've known this person forever and then as you just let the barriers drop and you let them more inside you start to naturally feel a sense of rightness, like this is meant to be."

NLP is a powerful tool of influence, and to land the girl of your dreams you are going to want to use all the tools at your disposal to maximise your chances. Work on the above techniques and your newfound success with women will surprise and delight you!

Magick and Psychic Influence Banner 1

Ross Jeffries - Magick & Psychic Influence 1

Clips of Ross Jeffries on Magick, Hypnosis, and Government from his Magick & Psychic Influence series.

Ross Jeffries - Magick & Psychic Influence 2

Clips of Ross Jeffries on Magick, Hypnosis, and Government from his Magick & Psychic Influence series.

Fear Into Charisma Banner 1

Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction FREE!

A free sample video of the Original Speed Seduction technology. Learn from the man who started it all, Ross Jeffries, the Master!

Meet The Hottest Women

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