Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Discussion on The Myth of Self-Esteem with Ross Jeffries


We've been getting a lot of questions about the new Nail Your
Inner Game with Ross Jeffries program. (If that's not the
understatement of 2008.) It seems that the majority of you are
awakening to what Ross has been telling us about and want to
know if anyone has recently benefited from these new
methodologies...and the answer to that question is...yes!

Flashback was just an ordinary student in the community not
too long ago and he credits his complete life transformation,
and success at large, to his mastery of Ross's new Nail Your
Inner Game methodologies.

Since a ton of you guys have been writing in asking questions
about this program, I asked Flashback to write a special guest
article to tell you about some of his experiences, and I was
glad I did because he has a very unique way of making complex
subjects easy to understand.

Plus, as an added bonus, Flashback convinced Ross to record
his thoughts on The Myth of Self-Esteem.

So, without further adieu, here's Flashback's unique
perspective on Ross's new Nail Your Inner Game methodologies...

There is no spoon...
by Flashback

I had been searching the community and studying all the
material I could find for quite some time, but it wasn't until
I met Ross Jeffries, and he shared this one particular secret
with me, that I truly began to transform myself into the man I
am today.

The secret Ross shared with me was more profound than anything
else I could find. The best way to express it is through the
simple analogy that Ross had used while he was teaching the
new Nail Your Inner Game methodologies to me...

Ross would remind me time and again about Archimedes, the
famous Greek mathematician, physicist and philosopher, and how
he was famous for saying, "Give me a lever and a place to
stand and I will move the world."

Now remember, there are 2 parts to this equation: "the lever"
and "the place to stand". I want to apply this analogy to the
community for you:

As you know, up until now, despite the resounding success that
has come out of the community, there has been a huge missing
component that has driven many of our brothers by the wayside,
feeling average, frustrated, and VERY chumpish.

It appears that almost all of the leaders in the community
have only been teaching THE LEVER aspect of attraction, the
how to's and mechanic's of the game.

For example: Here is WHAT TO SAY and DO with your BODY
LANGUAGE when you approach...here's how to handle groups,
manufacture social proof, say witty lines that convey
attractiveness, and that sort of stuff.

And if you're blown out, they would teach, "Get over it and
get into the next set, there are so many to open..." If you
feel bad, they would say, "Well that's just a normal
biological response. Get back in the field and plow through
the pain..."

Well guess what, dude: That's not teaching you the second part
think this is precisely why you sometimes feel the way you do,
the way I once did. There really is so much more to success
and the equation at hand...

It's very exciting to know that all of you are about to be
presented with a very rare opportunity to bypass all this
pain, frustration, and agony that used to be REQUIRED of every
PUA to get to the Big Show.

The new Nail Your Inner Game with Ross Jeffries course will
ensure that you do not have to go through the extremely
intense pain period before realizing that it is not about
learning 1,001 tricks, tips, and tactics verbatim.

Now here's the secret - the secret of the Holy Grail Ross was
talking about: There is no pain...you read that right. As in "There IS no spoon, Neo..."

This fascinating technology that Ross has developed provides
you with a detailed map of the place to stand...and once you
are enjoying this new perspective, you will realize very
quickly that there are no such things as rejection and
failure...there is only feedback and outcomes...

You will soon flow from one interaction to the next, as fluid
as water, and your confidence will be as solid as a rock...you
will learn to comprehend the LESSONS of each interaction
without feeling any confusion, frustration or regret once it's
past...you will be free of all the suffering associated with
looking at things through Grandma Jeffries now infamous "Shit
Glasses" and you will be well on your way to the success you
desire with that woman of your dreams.

I know this because I was one of the first people Ross taught
this particular Nail Your Inner Game methodology to, and even
as a voracious student of the community's top gurus, I was
unaware of the deep and lasting impact this new technology
would continue to have on my life.

Now I don't know what you think of Ross Jeffries. Does he have
an ego? Yes. Is he a freakish innovator? Yes. But is he a
serious and caring teacher who feels genuine joy at helping
regular guys achieve success with women? A resounding YES.

Ross is so excited by the response to, and interest in, his
new Nail Your Inner Game methodologies, from the Stylelife
West Coast Conference to all the emails over the last week,
that he has asked me to share this recording he created on The
Myth of Self-Esteem.

So tune in to your deeper self that knows this will work for
you while you listen to Ross Jeffries talk about The Myth of
Self-Esteem. This is one of many concepts to be comprehended
in Nailing Your Inner Game:


Let's face it; regardless of whether or not you're going to do
this new Nail Your Inner Game with Ross Jeffries program, it's
pretty damn cool to get all these concepts and understandings
from the man who basically invented the seduction community
for free.

And once again, in case you missed it, here is the link to the
Bonus Audio of Ross Jeffries talking about The Myth of


Your Pal,

The Sneak

P.S . I just received an email from Flashback that said Ross
might hold an open conference call to speak with all of you
directly about this new Nail Your Inner Game methodology! I
can't imagine we will be able to get all of you on one single
call so watch your inbox closely so you can have the
opportunity to Nail Your Inner Game and interact with Ross
Jeffries on the call for free!


Stylelife Academy
8491 Sunset Blvd. #348
West Hollywood, CA 90069, USA


Meet The Hottest Women

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ross Jeffries dumpster diving story...from the Neil Strauss Lifestyle Academy

The Sneak again and here's the story you've been waiting for,
in Ross' own words!

And for your benefit, we were able to do something special. I
just got off the phone with Ross' top lab assistant,
Flashback, trying to confirm a few details about the story.
And Flashback told me he got Ross to record an MP3 clip so
everyone can hear the story, and the VALUABLE LESSON it
contains, firsthand! Click below to listen and let me know if
you can relate...

Bonus - Ross Jeffries Dumpsters Diving Story

After I heard this story, I called Neil again. We could tell
that Ross was immensely frustrated and concerned with this
particular student's pattern. But it went EVEN DEEPER than
that. We could see how frustrated Ross was at seeing this
pattern happening over and over again with many of his
students. A teacher, after all, is measured by the success of
the students. And this sticking point was something that was
posted continuously in all the forums and a source of
frustration for not just PUAs but AFCs as well.

You see, the thing that has always bewildered the leaders of
our community is how a competent, well trained student could
completely slip back into his old AFC self after a single,
minor setback in the field. Back in the Project Hollywood
days, Neil and Tyler Durden used to discuss this a lot. They
called it AFC Reversion Syndrome, and it happens to the best
of us. In the process, guys lose every technology, technique,
and practice they have been working on integrating into their
being. It has been extremely hard to understand. And here's

For this to happen, a student would have to completely dismiss
a lengthy list of what he had done right thus far in his
evolution from AFC to PUA. This means that there is a
tremendous amount of negative mental programming that will
always trump any amount of training you receive.

Ross realized this after asking countless students at
countless seminars; "How often do you dwell on your mistakes
and heartaches with women?" The answers he would receive were
all frighteningly similar.

"I still think about them...ALL THE TIME!!!" the students
would quietly admit. (In fact, Ross asked this same question
at the Stylelife West Coast Conference and got the exact same
answer from a sold out room full of students!)

And it is true...

You know, most people are unconsciously programmed to dwell on
past mistakes and perceived failures. You seem to think that
by punishing yourself, you will ensure that you do not make the
same mistake again. The bitch of it is, that by doing this, you
are actually recreating the problem...

And I mean that quite literally...

Furthermore, dwelling on mistakes pins the confusion and
frustration right back onto you. The energy and vibe
associated with this type of dwelling actually recreates that
same experience in a future moment to come. This is the
critical point where the mindless loop of self-sabotage and
frustration begins!

Ross related it to me like this..."How do you expect to escape
from prison when you are constantly reinforcing the very walls
that hold you in?" I had to think about this rhetorical
question for a while before I really understood it, but once I
did, I realized it was possibly life-changing.

Ross went on to systematically explain the science behind it
all. He said, "This type of dwelling and rehearsal is a very
powerful form of hypnotic suggestion." He professed that when
you dwell and ruminate in this fashion you never get a chance
to start over with a clean slate, devoid of the hurt,
frustration and painful memories in your past.

So what does all this mean?

It means that the mistakes of last night, last week, even last
year are playing like an audio file on repeat in your mind,
while the images of failure and the feelings of rejection are
simultaneously broadcast through every cell and fiber of your

It means that whenever you perceive a mistake is going to be
made, or has been made, you experience the confusion,
frustration and pain associated with rejection and failure all
over again.

It all becomes just one big self-fulfilling prophecy.

Furthermore, and maybe more directly, it means that you have
unconsciously created a filter of failure through which you
view the world, and as Ross's mother used to tell him, "If you
dip your sunglasses in dog shit, even the roses look brown."

Its no wonder guys have Approach Anxiety and fears of
rejection or inadequacy. They carry it with them through each
and every moment of their life, unknowingly trying to learn
the art of attraction with the constant droning of
"Loooserrrr...faaaiillluureee...you'rrreee not gooood
enoughhhh..." running in the background of their minds.

It's really sad when you think about it. You know, most guys
never even realize where they are going wrong. They end up in
the field, after tirelessly practicing every gambit they can
wrap themselves around, but they continue to hear and feel the
never-ending montage of rejection. It is punishing. It is
ruthless. It is relentless.

As with many other aspiring PUA's in the community, I have to
overcome this hurdle myself. So it does not leave me with any
wonder why students give up and fall back to their old AFC
ways over a minor mistake.

In fact, up until now, it has always been quite discouraging
to think that no matter how well prepared a student is, you
can slip right back into your old ways, at any given moment,
as long as this limiting mental programming is around.

So my question to Ross was..."How can we solve this? How can
we put an end to students walking up to the open door, the
passageway of who they can be, and turning back?"

Ross replied with a grin, "Allow me, you know there is no
amount of new attraction lines or routines that can fix
this, so rather than continue to put band-aids on these
gaping wounds, it's time we perform the surgery needed to heal
the injury completely."

He smirked and said, "And I've figured out just how to do

"Okay, then what is the answer?" I asked.

And Ross said...

Oh, come on now, you know you're going to have to wait. This
email is long enough as it is. So in your next email, you'll
see JUST how thoroughly (and elegantly) Ross had discovered
the cure to this problem.

You know this is fun...it's like an inner-game email soap opera.

Until Next Time,
The Sneak

P.S. - In case you missed it, here is the link to Ross's
Story. Definitely take the time to listen to it:


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Neil Strauss - free seduction video archives


Rules of the Game - Episode 2: Be a Man's MAN (by Neil Strauss)

Mission 2: Change your style to convey an attractive identity.
The prize: A special accessory that will super-charge your life.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mystery, Mystery Method & Venusian Arts - free video archives

Mystery Method: Venusian Arts
By Richard La Ruina - PUA Training.com, author of The Natural Art of Seduction

The Mystery Method was conceptualized by Erik Von Markovich - aka Mystery - author of The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed and the man considered by many to be the founder of the seduction community in its current form. The Mystery Method was first taught to students from the man himself via bootcamp events that he promoted on Internet forums and other online seduction-related communitities. It was at these events that Mystery taught his patented method covering the stages of seduction considered to be necessary from the moment a man spots a woman he is interested in to sleeping with her: Attract; (build) Comfort; Seduce your target.

The Mystery Method became so synomyous with the seduction community that it led to genuine claims of top spot for Von Markovich's company. Though this was not without much criticism of the model itself and even of Mystery's tactics.

What was to come in for most criticism was one of the most intrinsic tactics of the Mystery Method: 'negging', whereby a man gives a woman he is interested in a backhanded 'insult' as a means of lowering her 'value' in comparison to his own. Another critique of the Mystery Method is that it is inflexible- being best suited to seducing women in nightclubs or bars.

The Mystery Method holds true that men are of lower value in the eyes of society than women: something that very much appears to juxtapose claims that the seduction community is a form of self-development. This suggests that men must show outwardly attractive attributes in order to display enough value to a woman to warrant her acceptance of a man's advances.

One important stage of the Mystery Method- 'Comfort' is considered essential for building enough rapport and trust with a woman so that she associates those feelings with the man in her company so much so that she is ultimately open to being seduced. This is increasingly viewed with scepticism, however, as the notion that it takes 7 hours from start to finish in the process of seduction is questioned more and more.

Of late, in the seduction community, as it spreads and turns more mainstream with the release of films like Hitch and Wedding Crashers and a proposed film based on Neil Strauss' book 'The Game', towards a more direct and natural style of approaching women that does not use scripted routines and material- almost rendering the Mystery Method out-dated and benign.

To boot, there has been brewing angst in the Mystery Method camp as the man himself has cut ties from the Corporation and set up his own establishment, The Venusian Arts, along with former Instructors Lovedrop and Matador.

Attract women and seduce them with GuyGetsGirl's pick up, dating and seduction guide (insider secrets written by a WOMAN!) - Click Here! - "How To Approach Any Woman, Anywhere And Know Exactly What To Say To Get Her To Give You Her Number And Go On A Date With You - NOW"

ABC Primetime Special (Mystery Method)

Primetime follows Mystery and Neil Strauss (author of The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists ) through the process of a bootcamp/workshop. Transforming men from afc's (average frustrated chumps) to pua's (pick-up artists). Tips on seduction, dating, and how to pick up women.

[Street Pick Up] Mystery Method - Fear of the Approach

Tips on street pick up and sarging for the pua and player.

Mystery Method, part 1

Introduction and attraction

Mystery Method, part 2

Mystery Method, part 3

Mystery Method, part 4

Project Hollywood Mystery Bootcamp Long Clip 1

Bonus: Free articles on how to meet women

The Nine Phases Of A Seduction
By Richard La Ruina - Pua Training.com, author of The Natural Art of Seduction

Here we present a nine-phase sequence which covers a male-female interaction from the initial meeting of two strangers to the consummation of the interaction in sexual intercourse.

The sequence may occur on one evening, or over a number of meetings- in particular the middle phases may last over several dates. The average amount of time required from meeting to sex is usually somewhere between 5 and 9 hours- where some of the phases, such as the first, usually last only a few minutes

1. Open

The man approaches the woman and initiates conversation. This phase is successfully negotiated when the woman indicates that she is willing for the man to stay- we call this indication the "hook-point".

2. Female-to-male attraction

The man demonstrates his value to the female, taking care not to appear try-hard. The female responds by giving indicators of interest- light touching, eye contact, smiling etc.

3. Male-to-female attraction

The man baits the female into investing in the interaction through demonstrating her own unique attractiveness- i.e. he gives her a chance to "win him over". The man responds by rewarding the female for her efforts- either verbally, or through light touching etc.

4. Conversation

Having established mutual attraction, the interaction becomes more substantial and a sense of connection and rapport is formed. This phase is the opportunity for the male and female to discover the breadth and depth of topics and experiences which they have in common.

5. Connection

Both parties feel a vibe that it is 'on'. The conversation may decrease in fervour, leading to the development of sexual tension. Kissing usually occurs during this phase.

6. Intimacy

The location for the interaction should now have moved to a more private venue, such as the home. More intimate physical contact may comfortably ensue at this phase.

7. Foreplay

The couple begin the physical escalation towards sex. Premature commencement of this phase- such as in the meeting place venue - may abort the pick-up before the end.

8. Last-minute resistance

This is the point of no return for the female, where she may throw out a number of emotional objections disguised as logical propositions. The man needs to reassure the female at this point of his commitment to her and the interaction.

9. Sexual intercourse

The couple have sex. It may be necessary to do this several times in order to commence a relationship.

Observing a male-female interaction at this level of granularity helps maintain the smoothness of the pick-up artist's escalation, a vital ingredient for the successful communication of respect for a woman's needs in the process from meeting to sex.

Richard La Ruina presents...

How To Pick Up Women In The Supermarket Or Grocery Store
By Richard La Ruina, author of The Natural Art of Seduction

What's with these crazy guys going to noisy, smoky, expensive clubs filled with loads of other guys all trying to hit on the same few hot girls? Don't these people know that we are surrounded with women all day long, everywhere we go? Everyone does food shopping, below are the methods you can use to make your routine grocery purchase turn into trip where you pick up more than your dinner:

1. Be the Fun Sociable Guy

The first thing that needs to be mentioned is your mental state. You can't be "the pickup guy" when you are out shopping, that would be too weird. Your reason for starting conversations with hot women will be that you are a fun sociable guy who talks to lots of people and so talking to her will be natural. Get in this mindset, it's the best one to have for the day-time.

2. Don't Focus on the Result, Focus on the Open

Don't look at every woman and think that you need to get her number, just have the aim to start a conversation and see where it leads. If you are having a nice interaction with a hot woman, taking her number or going for an 'instant date' will be natural.

3. Know the Process

The process for a day-time pickup is different to that of a night time one. An important difference is that you cannot be too sexual, it's out of place and weird. So what do you do? The process is as follows:

1. Be indirect, talk about something situational until she is comfortable and engaged in a 2-way conversation.

2. Find out some personal stuff about her.

3. Get connections.

4. Find a reason to see her again or to hang out.

5. Get the number or go for an instant date (like a coffee).

4. What to Say

Don't worry, I know everyone reading this wants to ask But what do I say? Here are some openers you can use. You can preface each with "You look like you know your stuff":

How can you tell when this is ripe?

How would you cook this?

I have a Vegetarian coming round for dinner so can't cook my famous chicken, what is something I can easily whip up?

Which wine goes with X?

Oh don't buy that salad, this one is way tastier.

Help me choose, pizza or quiche."

So now you can go out and meet women in a much easier and more natural environment where you have no competition. You'll be able to meet nice girls that don't go to clubs, and you won't need to buy anyone drinks. You'll be meeting the real person, without her friends. Good luck!

GMTV Interview between PUA Training's Gambler (Richard La Ruina) and Lorraine Kelly

Gambler was featured as the World's Best Pick-Up Artist on flagship ITV1 breakfast show GMTV. Here he is being interviewed by Lorraine Kelly. Also featured is female trainer - Kezia. For more on Gambler, Kezia, PUATraining check out www.puatraining.com
The interview was about Gambler/Richard La Ruina's new book - The Natural Art of Seduction.

The Four Mistakes Of Pick-Up
By Richard La Ruina, author of The Natural Art of Seduction

Pick-up -- as it really is, rather than as it's taught in the popular magazine -- is a 3-phase sequence which must be followed in order for reliable results. The first phase is attraction, where the man gains attraction from the woman; the second phase is comfort, where the man gets the woman to feel comfortable with him; the third phase is seduction, where the man, having gained attraction and comfort proceeds to convert these vital two ingredients into a sexual relationship. Nearly all the mistakes of pick-up- that is any male-female interaction which does not result in a sexual relationship- can be attributed to an error in following the sequence described here.

Mistake 1: starting at the end

A man who starts at the last phase- seduction- disregards the need for a woman to first feel attracted and also the need for her to feel comfort and initiates the interaction directly in the seduction mode. He touches the woman improperly, conveys too much sexual intent too soon, and will come across as sleazy or worse.

Mistake 2: starting at the middle

Men who have observed mistake number 1 often try to rectify this by implementing a comfort phase before seduction. Almost always they never reach the seduction phase, because having ignored the need for a woman to be attracted, they get stuck in the 'friend zone', where a woman becomes too comfortable with them as a friend to ever feel comfortable proceeding into a sexual relation. Men who start in the middle are commonly referred to as 'nice guys'.

Mistake 3: skipping the middle
Men who are proficient at building attraction (phase one), but then proceed directly to seduction- without comfort- are commonly referred to as "players". A woman may feel attraction to this man, but she is unlikely to believe or understand that he is attracted to her in any way which is unique or relevant to her- a vital and necessary ingredient for the smooth implementation of the seduction phase.

Mistake 4: getting stuck in the middle

Similar to mistake number 2, these men lay down the necessary foundations for seduction, but lack the confidence or the knowhow to advance smoothly into this phase, so forever circle between attraction and comfort. The woman soon becomes confused as to the man's intention and places him, like the nice guy, in the friend zone.

Often, just being aware of the correct sequence of a pick-up can act as a vital checklist during an interaction with a woman. The man should be aware of what phase he is in at any one moment, and never go backwards in the pick-up, nor go forwards too quickly (and skip one of the phases).

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ross Jeffries and Speed Seduction - free video archive

Ross Jeffries

- Click here for more information on Speed Seduction - From dating tips, to pick up lines, to hypnosis. Created by Ross Jeffries and seen by millions on TV worldwide!
- "A quantum leap"...Rolling Stone, March 1998
- "Jeez, it worked"...Playboy, July 1998

For your FREE INSTANT ACCESS to the legendary Ross Jeffries mp3 audio course "Unstoppable Confidence," just click on the links below:

Unstoppable Confidence - Track 1
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 2
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 3
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 4
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 5
Unstoppable Confidence - Track 6

"This Dynamite New Ross Jeffries Audio Tape Series Will Have The Hottest Women In Your Bed Every Night As You Laugh To Yourself At How Easy It Is!!!"

Ross Jeffries Interview, Part 1 - covers NLP, hypnosis and Speed Seduction

An old interview with Ross Jeffries.

Attention Men: Are You Ready To Discover The Absolute Best System For
Getting You ANY Kind Of Women You Want, Just The Way You Want Them,
Anytime, Anywhere, No Matter Your Age, Your Finances Or What You Look Like?
Click Here For Your FREE Report on the Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction system!

Ross Jeffries Interview, Part 2

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 1

Jason C. Steinle interviews Ross Jeffries. Join us as Ross discusses male/female dynamics. Learn more and download the complete .mp3 of this interview at www.uploadexperience.com/blog

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 2

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 3

If You Would Like To Learn How To Have Unstoppable Confidence With Women,
Then Here's a 100% Guaranteed Way To Learn Quickly and Easily. Unstoppable Confidence by Ross Jeffries - Click Here To Download Immediately!

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 4

This DVD is one of our bestsellers. It teaches you "How To Easily Meet The Hottest Women, Anytime, Anywhere, and NEVER Worry About What To Say". From the dirty mind of Ross Jeffries -- the godfather of the Seduction Community -- comes Gold Walk-up Diamond.

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 5

Ross Jeffries interviewed by Jason C. Steinle Part 6

Using NLP To Seduce Women
By Richard La Ruina - Pua Training.com

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful tool in many areas, from therapy, to sales, to self-improvement. As a powerful tool of influence, many men have asked how it can be applied to seducing women. It can be applied in simple ways with limited effect, or it can be used to make a woman desire you completely. Here is how to use NLP to seduce women

1. Positive use of language

A simple but effective use of NLP is to make sure you never use negative language. Saying "today wasn't amazing, thinks didn't go as perfectly as I'd imagined" is so much better to hear than "today was awful, things went terribly". Just simply using positive words rather than negative words allows you to convey the same information without affecting the mood.

2. Pacing and leading

If she is speaking negatively, first pace it by agreeing and expanding on it, but then take charge and turn things positive by changing the subject or positively reframing the negative event. Pacing and leading also applies to energy and state. If she is cold with you, don't be loving with her, instead match her coldness and then slowly lead her into being seductive by slowly becoming seductive yourself. The same applies to if she is tired or bored, pace and then lead.

3. Mirroring and matching
When people spend a lot of time together, they tend to share mannerisms, reactions, vocabulary, and tone and speed of speech. You can see this with good friends, couples, and relatives. If you match and mirror someone, they will feel a lot more comfortable and relaxed with you and like they have known you longer. Do this by:

- Speaking at a similar speed, and using a similar amount of gestures.

- Feeding back the words they use in conversation.

- Mirroring the way they sit, the amount of eye contact, and the facial expression.

You can get away with a surprising amount of mirroring and matching: they don't seem to notice!

4. Anchoring

Anchoring is the process of linking a touch, sound, or visual input to an emotion. When the woman laughs, you can click your fingers, or touch her and it will anchor the emotion to the click or touch. Later you can try to re-trigger the emotion by simply firing the anchor- the touch or click. You can also anchor by playing songs when she is with you that she will later hear and associate to being with you.

5. Patterns

NLP patterns for seduction involve the use of language to bring out an emotion in the girl that is desirable given the current circumstances. An example of an NLP seduction pattern would be:

"Have you ever just met someone and almost immediately you start to feel incredibly comfortable like you've known this person forever and then as you just let the barriers drop and you let them more inside you start to naturally feel a sense of rightness, like this is meant to be."

NLP is a powerful tool of influence, and to land the girl of your dreams you are going to want to use all the tools at your disposal to maximise your chances. Work on the above techniques and your newfound success with women will surprise and delight you!

Magick and Psychic Influence Banner 1

Ross Jeffries - Magick & Psychic Influence 1

Clips of Ross Jeffries on Magick, Hypnosis, and Government from his Magick & Psychic Influence series.

Ross Jeffries - Magick & Psychic Influence 2

Clips of Ross Jeffries on Magick, Hypnosis, and Government from his Magick & Psychic Influence series.

Fear Into Charisma Banner 1

Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction FREE!

A free sample video of the Original Speed Seduction technology. Learn from the man who started it all, Ross Jeffries, the Master!

Meet The Hottest Women